Thursday 26 March 2009

Angham, and Ouled Mgatel's most famous inhabitant

Fred on Angham (a Moroccan TV program), a few months ago. Speaking Arabic, and talking about the Hamadcha.

Or, how he became famous...


Kristin @ Going Country said...

There's something oddly fascination about watching a video in a language I can't understand in the slightest, that's been dubbed from ANOTHER language I can't understand.

What I did notice, however, is the hand gestures. Americans don't really do that--use their hands to talk, I mean. Watch a clip of an American talk show like "Good Morning America" and the difference is striking.

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Oops, I meant "fascinating," not "fascination."

I, too, am here said...

How proud you must feel of Frederick. My husband says that he has done an amazing job with the Moroccan Arabic.

Marie said...

Kristin - but the video hasn't been dubbed ! Fred speaks Moroccan Arabic.
I don't know if Moroccans make more gestures than the French when they speak. Maybe different gestures. Fred, whatever language he's speaking, always uses a lot of gestures, that's for sure !

Jeannie - yes, I'm proud. And it's true that he speaks very good Arabic (hmm, better than mine...)